Thursday, September 26, 2013

Industrial Pollution

This is my 2D individual project! We were given 4 themes, Carnival, Industrial Pollution, Symphony Orchestra and Transportation. Out of this four, we can only chose one theme! I decided to chose industrial pollution as i love to create those dark emotionless kind of artwork. The main element that we have to use is bascially shapes! So, by using graphic amd repetition kind of thing for this project might be appropriate for it. I decided to draw a group of humans wearing the gas mask, marching out from the industrial plants and factories. The only colours that i used were just black, grey and white. Well, it suppose to be dark and emotionless, so yeah, that's the perfect colour scheme for my artwork. Many of my friends told me that i am crazy as i habe to draw alot of the humans  with gas mask. But fortunately, i managed to do it and finally i'm done with it! Looks amazing!!^^

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