Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Angel of Death

This is basically my group's 2D A0 project. No themes or whatever were given to us. We have to come up with something beautiful and nice and that was really hard. Me and my group brainstormed till we had our brain juices drained literally. Hahaha!! It was tough! Really! Of course in a group project there will be ups and downs, conflicts everywhere and different ideas and views are clashing with each other. We finally decided to do a portrait of an Angel of Death but using typography. Intsead, we change our focus to texture as typography was not able to make the wing stand out! For the wings we used paper cutouts and combine all those paper feathers forming a wing.  I think my group os doing well now. Bettee tham before and hopefully me and my gorupmates are able to finish it and submit it in time!

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