Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pacific rim, one of the best film i've watched!! I just watched it a week ago with my awesome classmates. We wanted to watch The Wolverine initially but we watched Pacific rim instead as she have not watch it yet. I really like the visual effects! It was really good. Far more way better than the Transformers. All thanks to vfx team from The Industrial Light and Magic. This vfx company has also created vfx for several notable films such as Star Wars and Transformers as well. The vfx was very realistic and stunning. I also like the soundtrack. Really made the movie engaging and its suitable with the film genre. The story plot is quite straight forward but there were to much talking during the climax and most of the robots vs kaiju scenes were mostly at night! I was hoping for more fight scenes during the day. But nevermind, it was indeed a good movie. It really reminds me of those cartoons i watched when i was a little boy auch as Godzilla, Power Rangers, Ultraman and Voltrons. I really can't wait for its sequel. Guillermo Del Toro really did a good job. I loved his other movies as well such as The Hellboy and Pan's Labyrinth. I really enjoyed it!! It has also gave me some inspiration on what to draw for my homework.

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