Friday, August 16, 2013


PIZZA! BURGER! HOT DOGS! CHICKEN NUGGETS! FRIED CHICKEN! PASTA! NASI LEMAK! INDIAN ROJAK! ROTI PRATA! CHAR KWAY TEOW! FISH AND CHIPS! CHICKEN CHOP! OMG!!!! I JUST LOVE FOOOOOOOD SO MUCH!!! I can eat all this everyday without getting sick of it!! But i can't... because i'm working out!! I can't be eating all this! It will definitely destroy my body and it will lead to obesity! I don't want to be fat AGAIN!! All this foods contain a lot of calories! But we can still eat though! Just eat it in moderation! Maybe once a week? Just to satisfy your craving... Admit it, everybody love it! Omg! I'm so hungry now! Hhahaha!!
I can't remember where i had that!! Thats the chilli beef and cheese criss cross fries and vegetarian pizza....
That's the Double Whopper with extra bacon from Burger King...
Fish & Chips from Manhattan Fish Market...
And last but not least, my old time favourite Nasi Briyani....!!

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