Monday, September 23, 2013


Few weeks ago, it was in a Saturday if i'm not wrong, i was doing my 2D group project with my fellow classmates. After project was done, I went for lunch alone at Macdonalds in Bugis+ alone. The others have went back except for me. They didn't join for lunch! I was having My Big Mac Meal. While i was eating, i overheard some convoversation from a passer by. They were saying that a WWE Superstar will be at Bugis+ at 3.30pm on that day. I was shocked! After my lunch, i headed in to bugis+ and check if what they said was real. And yeah, it was true!! it was big crowd! After few minutes of waiting, he arrived! His name is Booker T. Really big and muscular! Famous WWE wrestler. I've been dreaming of meeting one of the wrestler! Amazing experience even though i could only took a picture of him.

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